I did not respond earlier as I thought that you had this well at hand.
Apparently not. We raced a factory bodied 1988 IROC for several years and
discovered lots about cooling those beasts.
1: (The Biggest one we discovered) Make darn sure that the ugly 8 inch Black
plastic scraper under the radiator support is attached and in good
condition. They tend to get torn off by parking curbs, aggressive cornering
over burms or the occasional hot rodder who says to himself "boy is that
ugly!". That little flap is the sole reason that you car cools at all as it
acts like a scraper and creates a negative pressure behind the rad and
"SUCKS" air through the rad to cool coolant. If you have A/C you will NOT be
able to "BLOW" enough air through the rad to cool the car.
2: Checklist: I assume that the fans are switching on correctly, that the
catalytic converter is not plugged, that the correct head gaskets were
installed for the Vortech heads, that you are running actual coolant to
lubricate the water pump bearing (or Water Wetter) and a 170 thermostat,
that the water pump is the correct one for you belt configuration, the
timing is correctly set by disconnecting the lead by the heater then setting
timing, the fan relay is working and switching on the fans at 170 degrees or
when the A/C is switched on, The correct rad cap is used into a puke
reservoir that it can suck back the coolant as it cools as the contraction
is normal. It sounds as though your car pukes coolant but for some reason is
not able to suck it back from the puke reservoir...assuming you have one!
This would be the rad caps fault. But start at #1 as that is probably it if
it is missing.
I hope this helps Chris,
Tim Ronak