I wrote:
>How the heck am I supposed to arrive at 6 to 8 of
>end play with those materials? Why not demand
>clearances in microns? And, so far, I have not heard
>of a source for the shims. Betcha making them would
>take forever. Oh, yes, with the one-axle pushing against
>the other, doesn't end play at one end affect the other?
> BTW, this is with no gasket back there whatsoever.
>I'm planning on using Permatex in a thin film. But: where?
>It seems like every two pieces in the "stack" would need
>a gasket or Permatex, and that could really add up. Am
>I wrong? They only used one gasket per side originally,
>right? If so, where and why?
Actually, I _am_ making the shims, and making headway. If anyone has
been inside one of these before, and confirm that the end float on each
side is interdependent, please e-mail me. Also, I'm really curious about
gasket location/quantity; my plan still calls for Permatexing
everything, but I'm guessing 3 to 4 layers per side, this could affect
end play as well. Thoughts?
Lawrence R. Wright, Purchasing Analyst
U S Office Products, Mid-Atlantic Division
Formerly Andrews Office Products
larry.wright@usop.com (new)
Ph. 301.386.7923 Fx. 301.386.5333