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Re: Door Panels

To: RayKReese@aol.com, tigers@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Door Panels
From: ritchie@mcn.org (Armand & Lorie Ritchie)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 10:47:11 -0700
>Listers: I ordered some door panel blanks from SS awhile back and am just now
>getting around to installing them, but when test fitting the blank to the
>door the holes don't seem to align. Am I looking at this thing wrong??? I
>have GT doors and the blanks are supposed to be for GT doors. My original
>door panels are in such a deteriorated condition that they are of little

Ray, on my panels the holes are offset and don't line up with the holes in
the doors because the clips have an offset to them.  Check out your clips
and see if there the same.  I don't have a GT but I'm sure the same thing

regards Armand

Armand & Lorie Ritchie

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