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Re: Dash installation

To: "Daniel S. Eiland" <daniel@htg.net>, Tigers List <tigers@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Dash installation
From: steve sage <rootes@ix.netcom.com>
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 10:58:15 -0700
Daniel S. Eiland wrote:

> Hi Listers,
>     Just one question for now, How long does it normally take to change out
> the dash? I have my new Prestige Autowood dash and new glovebox and am ready
> to begin. Just want to know what to expect on the amount of time.
> Dan Eiland
> B382002652LRXFE

I've done this a couple of times. Allow at least a full day, maybe two to do
this. There's a lot of wires and cables behind that dash and some are very
awkward to get to. The heater control cables and getting to the oil guage are
two of my "favorites". It is do-able, though (I've done it twice), but just
tackle one thing at a time under there. Eventually the job gets done.  Be sure
to mark each wire and cord as to where they go, whenever you pull them off
guages, back of the dash, etc. Mark both pieces (i.e. the guage post where the
wire came off, AND the wire or cable going to it, etc.). I made tags by just
cutting up paper into small pieces. Then take  tape and stick the tags
everywhere. As you're doing this, it's not a bad idea to also draw yourself a
diagram of what goes where.

Steve Sage

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