To restore the rear window I am assuming that it is just fine washing type
scratches and not heavy gouges. You have a couple of options.
Option 1: you can use the Meguiars plastic cleaner and then follow up with
their plastic polish that is available from the Auto Body supply stores and
apply a liberal amount of elbow grease, or...
Option 2: You can use extra fine polishing compound moving up to the
meguiars stuff above but use a slow speed polisher and pad. The big enemy if
you are going to restore this is to avoid heat generation at all costs. heat
will cloud the plastic rendering it unsalvageable. Go REALLY REALLY slow and
you will be pleased with the results. I have restored several motor cycle
windshields with this technique with great success except when I become
impatient. I have not done this to my plexi back window yet but I did use
the stuff on my clear back window with great success.
Tim Ronak