Karen, Jim, et SUNI-3 travelers,
The only reason I can imagine that MapQuest gives these two longer
alternate routes is to avoid traveling through Yellowstone National Park.
Are there any issues with either access or traffic? I wouldn't think so
since US-191 just skirts the edge of the Park. What about elevation change,
especially as it might affect those pulling trailers? Perhaps this route
for the unfamiliar driver at night, tired, perhaps pulling a trailer, might
become a bit risky. My concern was only prompted by Dick's report that his
sister refuses to drive this route at night; and she's a resident. However,
this reminds me of the German humor regarding women drivers since it's a
common observation that they keep their eyes closed during "Verkehr". ;-)
At 09:41 AM 6/29/99 -0700, Karen L Foster wrote:
>Bob and all -
>It's okay to follow the directions given by MapQuest, but Big Sky is only
>about 40 miles from West Yellowstone on 287 N and 191 N. If you check, the
>route they have you taking is a long way around, and there is absolutely
>nothing wrong with 191 North!
>I drove the roads from Bozeman south to Big Sky and north from W.
>Yellowstone last year and found them to be in excellent shape. The road
>does wind along the river, hence care is required at night. But nothing to
>scare anybody off. Scenery is fabulous. Enjoy. I'll be in the UK at that
>Jim Pickard
Robert L. Palmer
UCSD, Dept. of AMES
619-822-1037 (o)
760-599-9927 (h)