just a guess, but sounds like a float thats
(1) misadjusted. Your kit should have a small
cardboard guage to adjust the float.
(2) bad needle or needle valve seat. Its
attached to the float and causes the gas
to shut off when the bowl is full.
(3) Bad float. The brass floats can develop
a pin hole leak cusing the float to sink
making the needle valve call for more gas.
As to the idle mixture screws, run both all the way in and
then back out about 1 to 1 1/2 turns. The mixtures screws
are best adjusted with a vacuum guage. I adjust mine to
get max rpm and then richen it a bit by screwing it back
in a bit. I would rather run rich and waste gas than run
lean and burn a valve.
Good Luck.
Dave Johnson, Chicago.