You were wondering how other national clubs are doing. The Shelby club seems
to be growing every year. I think this is due to the increasing Shelby
mystic and, in no small part, to Rick Kopec. Rick seems to run the club like
a benevolent dictator; a very efficient and responsive system. He has
answered any e-mail that I have written within two days, a feat that I
consider amazing. The newsletter is extremely professional and appears
periodically. (Its just that no one knows what the exact period is.) This
means that it can't be late. It is really a Shelby magazine. The monthly
SnakeBite is just for announcements and classifieds. The local clubs operate
independently with varying success. NorCal seems to be the most active and
has a great web site. (Much better than the national one.)
Your idea for a web site seems like a good one. i.e.: postings come from the
membership and the administrator keeps it organized. It would also result in
an abundance of material for a newsletter. I'm going to steal that idea and
suggest it to the Shelby group.
Craig Wright
Craig Wright Product Design Group, Inc. 4635 Viewridge Ave.
(619) 569-3484 x309 San Diego, CA 92123
fax: (619) 569-3490