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Re: low oil pressure 3

To: netscott@earthlink.net
Subject: Re: low oil pressure 3
From: "Chris J. Richards" <richards@northcoast.com>
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 08:32:30 -0500
netscott@earthlink.net wrote:
> well i reinstalled my oil pan(under car, with a 7.5qt. t-pan)and primed
> the system with no difference in pressure. time to pull the intake
> manifold.
> that was no big deal except for the rear bolt under the duck bill plug.
> i have ordered a new plug from SS. got the manifold off, and what did i
> find? no cup plug in the oil passage. i primed the system just to see
> what would happen, now i know were all the oil was going. back into the
> lifter valley. at least the oil was going back over the tops of the
> lifters, cam, and crank. called motorsport to bitch them out. it turn
> out it is not that rare this plug is missing!!! so i will be going to
> get a 3/4 cup plug and a new set of intake manifold gaskets. i let you
> all know more when i do.
> scott
> B9472628

The galley plug that I've seen unplugged is in the front of the engine
behind the timing chain.  It just pumps back into the engine and goes
sight unseen.  The other more obvious one leaks out the rear and makes a
big mess iinside the bell-housing.

Chris in Trinidad

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