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Original or Not?

To: tigers@autox.team.net
Subject: Original or Not?
From: CANISDOG@aol.com
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 20:19:58 EST
Having been a former Tiger owner (67 MK2)  I though I would ask the question
to those that have been around.  I have been out of the "beam" circle for a
while now, my last Tigers United was in Santa Maria, CA.  Does that ring a
bell with anyone? 1981 I think.
Anyway, I now live in Colorado and last spring I saw a 1963 Alpine in the
paper.  I went, looked, saw and fell in love with her body, again.  This
Alpine turned out to be a GT and was very original, but falling apart from sun
and weather.  There had been nothing and I say nothing done to the car that
would bring suspicion to anything being "not original."
The question is this:  On the drivers side "Alpine" script in the same (or
very close) chrome script is the letters "500."  It flows off of the Alpine
script to read "Alpine-500."  The paint under the script is faded the same as
the rest and the installation was done like factory.
Has anyone ever seen this before?  Was this a dealer ad-on just for fun or
what?  Should I put it back during restoration?


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