When recently I removed the door panels on my Tiger I realized that on both
items, the window crank and the door handle, there are no "black plastic
escutcheons" as described and shown in, e.g., Sunbeam Specialities parts
catalogue (page 19; part DP 59E) and Norman's book (page 51).
In place of the escutcheon there's a chrome piece into which the window
crank's and door handle's chrome bezel fits when being pushed towards the
door panel and against the small coil spring which sits between the bezel
and the chrome piece in question.
In fact this chrome piece is nothing else than a larger bezel with about 3.9
centimeter outer diameter. One edge of this bezel (the one showing towards
the interior of the car) is squared off. On its back surface (the one
pointing towards the door panel) the thing has two hunches which, when the
whole mechanism is put together, press into the coverage of the door panel.
Actually, the THING looks quite neat and "professional", only in no way
original or standard at all. Have you ever seen such an item on your cars?
And then (1): Although the distance between the door handle and the
handbrake lever is only about 2 centimeters (the situation looking about the
way as it is shown in Norman's book, which makes "sense" given the
production date of my car) the window crank handle itself seems to be much
shorter than even the short version of those shown in Norm's book. Actually
it's only about 9.5 centimeters in length with about 7.5 centimeters
distance between the centre of the window regulator axle and the axle of the
little knob on the handle. May be that my impression is deceiving me and
that indeed this is the correct and standard "short" window crank handle.
How does this look like on your (early) cars?
And then (2): I'm looking for what is often called "chrome finisher" or
"chrome scruff protector" (so called on page 168 in Norman's book) which is
to be fixed to the edge of the metal boot quarter doors (of the convertible
top cover). Any idea where I could get these? Sunbeam Specialities, Classic
Sunbeam as well as Alpine Westmidlands (UK) couldn't help.
Thanks for your support!
B 9471941
in Switzerland
e-mail: roland.flueeler@cantrade.ch