I examined a Tiger with the F-28 dual for barrel setup some years
ago when the TE/AE convention was here in Huntsville. To fit the rear carb,
the firewall needed to be clearanced by removing 6-8 inches of the
horizontal, triangular shaped 'rib' that runs a few inches below the hood
latch assembly. This rib (shaped in cross section like <, and pointing
toward the front of the car) only interferes with the rear carb. by an inch
or so. The car I observed had a neatly added filler strip that made the
entire modification look factory. It wasn't a mod I would make to a
pristine example, but I wouldn't feel bad doing it on a 'driver'.
--Bob Burruss
>Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 16:59:43 -0600
>From: Dan Jones <djones2@mdc.com>
>Subject: Re: Intake
>I dunno. I don't have a Tiger... yet. That reminds me. What sort
>of modifications does it take to fit an Edelbrock F-28 2x4 bbl
>intake to a Tiger? I've seen pictures of a Tiger with one but it
>looked non-stock.
>You mean you can get the heads off while the engine block is in the >car?