I had the same thing happen to me near Richmond, IN on a Sunday
morning. It let go as I was on the merge lane of an on ramp. I
managed to get back to a gas station. Then walked down to the
Farm & Fleet Coop and purchased a brass plug. Unscrewed the
fitting to the engine (yes its toasty warm), inserted plug, checked
for leaks, and hit the road. It was a weird feeling driving the 250 mi
back to Chicago with the pressure guage at zero.
I think the design life of the black plastic oil line is here. I recommend
to fellow owners that the carry the brass plug in the glove box next to
the braker booster bypass.
CAT had a good Tech Tip on how to renew the plastic line. But I replaced
the line with their stainless steel line. I know its not stock but my car
while very original can't compete with the big buck restorations. The CAT
line went it without a hitch.