TURN SIGNAL SWITCHES: I bought one with the headlight flasher built
in from either Tom, or that east coast pirate, many years back. I
think it was a Rover part. I've been using it for my horn, since the
stock contacts had a bit of a problem. Now that I have a horn relay,
the original contacts may work better, and I may convert the wiring to
headlight flashers. This is about project #19 on my "nice to have"
list (which ranks below the "gotta fix this" list), so it may take a
couple years to get to it.
OIL FILTERS. I can also recommend the Motorsports right angle filter
adapter to that fellow with the shorty filter. I would also suggest
using the FL400/Fram PH3600 size filters with this adapter. Their
smaller diameter makes installation easier, and they have the same
thread and gasket diameter, burst pressure, bypass pressure, etc., as
the FL1A/PH8A. These are used on Taurus, and lots of other Fords.