Although I'm all for electric vehicles I think it is only fair to point =
out that even the eco-Bureaucrats are starting to come to the conclusion =
that there is little or no pollution benefit from these vehicles. The =
reality is that in todays USA power generation is a dirty business and =
some studies suggest that electric vehicles pollute more than internal =
combustion when you factor in the pollution from power generation. Oh =
well, at least it is usually polluting someone else's backyard, eh?
From: Timothy Beloney[]
Sent: Friday, October 30, 1998 9:13 AM
To: Chris Richards; Mike Sutter;; =
Subject: RE: No Tiger Content
... Personally I'm all
for improving the new electric or hybrid cars for commuters so we only =
maybe ? ka-zillion cars spewing crap into our environment. And of =
the majority of those would be cool fun-to-drive character filled =
like ours!