Hey Gang,
It has been raining and/or threatening rain around here for several days
so I went out this afternoon and put the hardtop on Tigger preparatory
to an outing tomorrow to the Celtic Games in El Paso. Probably gonna be
about a hundred and forty miles total.
So anyway, when I went to latch the top down I put a little too much
cobmeister on the latch and the sucker disintegrated. Well,
"disintegrated" may be too strong a term... But the stationary part --
not the part you write on, the part that screws on to the windscreen
frame -- did break into three pieces, one big, two little.
To make a long story short -- something I am generally opposed to -- I
hadda swipe the piece off of 'Beamish to put on to Tigger and this,
predictably, resulted in a string of mutterings about "cannibals" from
the distaff side of the garage.
Oh, yeah, I shoulda mentioned that the top I put on Tigger actually
belongs to 'Beamish anyway. I borrowed that top because it is so much
nicer than Tigger's aftermarket fiberglass thing.
I have sworn in blood to put 'Beamish's hard top on him before next week
(and a couple of more days) is out. And I really, really will do it!
BUT I need a couple of pieces of hardtop mounting hardware. I've looked
in my catalogs without luck... Anybody know of a source?
--Colin Cobb