Do yourself a favor and buy a copy of "How to Rebuild Your Smallblock
Ford". I always have it handy when I'm doing a rebuild.
At 08:31 AM 10/16/98 -0700, Gegg, Bill wrote:
>Started assembling my rebuilt 289 and have been reading the threads on
>intake manifold gaskets. Which brought my problem to mind. I am up to
>the part where I install the head gaskets. I must have thrown out my
>old gaskets which I now need for comparison. When I put the new head
>gaskets on, it appears that a couple of the water passages in the front
>of the engine block are blocked. The passages at the rear of the block
>line up perfectly with the holes in the head gasket.
>Normal or not?
Robert L. Palmer
Dept. of AMES, Univ. of Calif., San Diego