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Re: Chrome Source (semi-short post #1)

To: "Colin Cobb" <cobmeister@zianet.com>
Subject: Re: Chrome Source (semi-short post #1)
From: "JAN HARDE" <harde@cyberesc.net>
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 17:41:11 -0700
Hey Colin or Mr.. & Mrs. Meister..

You are certainly qualified to be the resident Travel agent and/or our own
Charles Curalt successor...
Welcome home, I am impressed @ how the car performed for you, and that you
beat out that hurricane every step of the way, nothin' keeps up with a
FUUUNNNBEAMER,,,,, Right !!!!

Have a great weekend to all...

See Ya'                                Jan...

-----Original Message-----
From: Colin Cobb <cobmeister@zianet.com>
To: Alpine Mailing List <alpines@autox.team.net>; Dana & Brian <"BcM
JcI"@aol.com> <Dana & Brian <"BcM JcI"@aol.com>>; John Smallwood
<johnsmallwood@santafehotels.com>; Tigers Mailing List
Date: Friday, August 28, 1998 9:35 AM
Subject: Chrome Source (semi-short post #1)

>or... Search For The Sunbeam Content...
>Hey Gang,
>There were, count 'em, 586 messages in my queue when I got home!
>Normally I would say something like, "Well, next time I go on the road
>I am going to see to it that the Laif-Man is on vacation first!" but,
>this time I will say nothing since about 100 of those were either mine
>or in response to my posts.
>Next runners-up were, of course, the provence-less MKII -- God, I
>bitched about a couple of leaks until I saw a guy who gave 30K for a
>MKII that wasn't -- and the multi-vis oil posts.  It seems like base
>calumny but I am changing to single-vis in everything I own, from the
>garden tractor on up.  At this time only the Morgan is running
>Lots of good technical posts that I am still sorting through,
>pretending that I will be able to find the stuff if and when I need it
>on some black day in the future.  As if I won't have three or four
>hard disk melt downs before that imaginary day comes...
>So, anyway, here we are, back at Rancho Cobbo for more than 52 hours
>and things are startin' to shake out pretty good.
>Napoleon Bonabark, the Crown Prince of Dalmatia and my full-time
>bodyguard/shadow and Ol' Miz Smoot-Shyra Darr, the 15 year old ball of
>puppy fluff, are both in real good shape but tickled to death to have
>me and Janet back where we belong, passing out the dog biscuits and
>head pats.
>While we were gone, me Mum harvested the last of the peaches and the
>first of the big golden-yellow tomatoes. The half-dozen tomato plants
>themselves, planted in my special tomato growing place with the
>western exposure and in my special tomato growing mixture -- hah!--
>have grown like crazy, several plants now reaching over 8 feet tall.
>Even though me Mum assured me that she had kept them picked off and,
>God knows, there was a ton of them in the fridge, I spent a few
>minutes rooting around at the base of the plants and came up with
>another big bowlful of gorgeous golden fruit that we will carry to
>neighbors this evening.
>Also while we were gone, the roses decided to do what they are good
>at, too. This morning a quick count revealed 26 bushes, all varieties,
>all colors, all scents, all in full bloom.
>And the water lilies in the two fish tanks are going crazy again.
>Dozens of blooms of four differnt colors in 6 different varieties are
>being pushed out of the tanks by a profusion of maroon-tinged green
>pads. The goldfish are so happy to see us that I wonder for the
>briefest of moments if, perhaps, me Mum has forgotten to feed the
>little jewels for the past couple of weeks...
>This morning's dawn found Janet and me watering in the roses with both
>dogs puttering around our feet, Napoleon trying for the hundredth time
>to figure some way of catching one of those damned goldfish, and Miz
>Smoot stumbling around trying not to bump into things while
>hummingbirds zipped around our heads.
>All of the over 65 potted flowers in the courtyard, even the ones
>Janet had thought were dead, are alive and well and in bloom and
>thirsty. Even my three growth-challenged grape vines look wonderful.
>It is a two-person job getting all this watered in the morning --
>don't know how me Mum got it done every day while we were gone -- and,
>since we live in one of the most expensive water-use areas in the
>state, it is also a two-person job to lift the check at the first of
>the month when I pay the bill.
>It is also useful, in trying to avoid the envy of the Gods, to remind
>myself of the 4 billion-with-a-b goat head sticker plants waiting for
>my attention in the driveway and gardens and everywhere else. With
>their dark green foliage and cute little yellow flowers waiting to
>become vicious stickers, these little babes beg for some quality time
>with my hoe.
>This afternoon we pulled the hardtop off of Janet's 'Beamish and put
>the two 'Beams nose-to-nose, then side-by-side for a few minutes. I
>was really surprised by how different they looked from one another!
>'Beamish is so much... taller. And the lack of a chrome strip down the
>side makes him look so... businesslike. Compared to Tigger, 'Beamish
>-- possibly because of the lack of the S U N B E A M letters across
>the bonnet front -- sort of smiles, rather than sneers...
>I was also pleasantly surprised to find that the 'Beamish steel
>hardtop weighs less than the fiberglass aftermarket cap that protects
>Tigger in the cold months.
>As we jockeyed the cars around to get them back into the garage and
>carport, Janet and 'Beamish disappeared up the driveway. Since I was
>sitting behind Tigger's wheel at the time I thought, "Why let them
>have all the fun?" And off we went to play the topless variation of
>Shiny Black Sunbeam Tag up and down the road for a few minutes.
>Me and Tigger won, but did Janet enjoy it? Well, what with all the
>giggling and laughing and carrying on it is kind of hard to say.
>I have promised to give them a rematch this evening when we make the
>tomato run to the neighbor's place. It is about 200 yards as the
>tomato flys but I think we can keep that down to a couple of miles...
>One thing I want to do right away is get the bumpers rechromed on
>'Beamish and there is really not a decent chrome shop anywhere around
>here. Have any listers had a particularly good -- or bad -- experience
>with a mail-order chrome shop?
>--Colin Cobb, Pluckin' Tomatoes Outside Las Cruces, NM, USA

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