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Re: New Tiger, the journey begins

To: Tigers@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: New Tiger, the journey begins
From: Jim Parent <jparent@yahoo.com>
Date: Mon, 10 Aug 1998 21:15:02 -0700 (PDT)
I second this.  If you stay at 230ish in 100 degree
ambient.........that sounds fine to me.



---TigerCoupe@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 98-08-10 21:13:52 EDT, Frank Bonifazi wrote:
> >  On days you describe (90+ degrees) I experience at least 195 deg.
> >       above 40mph, and 210+ or so in town................ 
> >        I hit 230ish during a local British car rallye (lots of 
> >       stops to read barn signs and mail boxes) recently during 100
deg temp 
> >       and pulled over under some shade for a 1/2 hr to cool down.
> Your temps sound perfectly normal to me, and I'd say most Tiger
owners would
> be very happy with temps similar to yours.  As one recent post to
this list
> (Tom Hall?) said something like, "If it doesn't boil over, it's not
> hot."
> Dick Barker

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