Everyone - Just let it pass.
I'm sure this is a popular question,
- No more false a statement has every been made ....unknowingly.
Vic, Please don't do it.
> ----------
> From: Victor Paul Erwin[]
> I'm sure this is a popular question, but what's involved in converting an
> Alpine to Tiger spec?
> I know it'll never be a real Tiger, but a whole lot cheaper and I can do
> it how I want it and not worry about ruining it's value by hotrodding it.
> There's an Alpine for sale in the paper right now for $700 that's in good
> shape, and I've got a 5.0 in my garage - along with various intakes and
> carbs and ignitions.
> Anyone have any tips for what it would take to make it a fun AP
> autox/street car?
> -Vic