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Pokin' Fun

To: RSpontelli@aol.com
Subject: Pokin' Fun
From: Bob Palmer <rpalmer@ames.ucsd.edu>
Date: Mon, 22 Jun 1998 20:22:12 -0700
Ramon, et Listers,

I apologize for succumbing to the childish temptation to poke at what I
knew full well was a hornet's nest. I probably would not be so jocular if
it were my ox that had been gored. And Ramon, a big mea culpa to most of
your accusations. I did, in fact, participate in the "Test & Tune" at the
go cart (aka autocross) track and, frankly, it did not occur to me at the
time that this might give me an unfair advantage over a late arrival like
yourself. I was just happy to have an opportunity to sort out a newly put
together car and simply have a little fun. By the time you showed up and
complained, the dirty deed had been done (the CAT was out of the bag
so-to-speak). Now I can only presume, based on the man of principle you
claim to be, what your actions might have been had you arrived on Tuesday
BEFORE the Test & Tune. Looking beyond this particular incident, I think we
can all agree there are plenty of legitimate grounds for complaints that
arise at every Tigers United. And many seem, at least from our own
perspectives, to be inexcusable acts of stupidity or, worse still,
concerted attempts to screw individuals or groups. Again, I can only
speculate under which of these two categories the "Test &Tune" event falls.

The next time a similar situation arises where you need the support of you
"buddies" I promise to take some action of support rather than just play
"Moody Richard" * and sit on  the sidelines. But, if you don't mind, at
least try your best to make it fun for those of us who pitch in and also be
willing to reciprocate when it's your buddy's ox (like mine for example)
that's being gored.

Reflecting over some of the issues and feelings brought to this forum
recently, I may take some small action myself at this year's Tigers United.
For one thing, I'm sorely tempted to just sit out the concours event.
Having helped with the judging at a few of these events, I know how much
work it can be. It's very hard to remain objective and focused throughout
the course of inspecting thirty or so cars. And most of the cars in each
category really have no chance of trophying anyway. It would be really nice
if we had a Show & Shine combined with points judging of a limited number
of concours quality cars. I recall at TUXXI in Bakersfield, some attempt
was made to get people to voluntarily abstain from the concours judging. I
don't know how many actually did. But I think we should try to establish a
tradition and a palpable peer pressure to try and limit the concours
judging to those cars that really warrant it. I think by and large, most
people know which category they are in and would comply if presented
correctly. We would still want all the cars to be on display and not be
shunned in any overt way. Of course, there will always be one or two
participants who figure their new $500 paint job and new tires and wheels
aught to be worth some kind of trophy. So what to do about them? Maybe
shame them into submission by the example of at least 50% of us who choose
not to be entered in the points judging. But hey, don't try and talk me out
of running the autocross, whether I'm competitive or not!!

B9472134, SHO, etc.

* Bet you can't name the group from the sixties that recorded this one!!

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