Ah, Jeff - now I understand why you have your nipples squeezed in the wringer.
- you think that Tigers United is supposed to be a profit center for Tiger
Most of us thought it was just a good chance to get together and enjoy.
By the way, are you going to run that precious Tiger that may or may not blow
away the concours judging in the autocross? I got a five dollar bill says the
best time in my 1954 "Talbot" Alpine will beat your Tiger's best time.
I'm going to Tigers United at Big Bear and I'm going to have a lot of fun!
So, any of you who suffer from retinal rectumitis, just stay the hell out my
"Ole" Olson
P.S. Before you ask, I'm told that the term "retinal rectumitis" came up from
New Zealand to describe anyone with a sh**ty outlook.