This is for all Sunbeam enthusiasts:
With the recent change of charge on our TEAE newsletter staff there have =
been unforseeable delays in getting the newsletter out with the =
registration form, however, a group of us will be meeting for a big =
party to put together a mailing. A date will be set once all materials =
are gathered and volunteers will be welcomed.
This will be a landmark event for TEAE being its 20th United. The hotel =
where the event will be held is a beautiful waterfront site and is, =
without doubt, the most picturesque in the area. Fine dining and =
shopping are minutes away by foot or by car. All event sites have been =
secured with membership funds.
So far, registration has been slow, largely because of the newsletter's =
delay, but I could use some help with word of mouth and a few reproduced =
copies of the registrastion form for now. I can provide the form via =
e-mail or it can be downloaded from the TEAE website =
( The registration form is a =
prohibitively large file (19k) for our Tiger and Alpine net controller =
to allow through.
Your assistance and early registration is greatly needed until we can =
get our mailing out. This will be a great event, don't miss it!! =
Mailing instructions are on the registration form.
Thanks for you continued support and patience,=20
Kirk Even, TEAE Event Assistant Coordinator