Potential activities for Sunbeam events:
a) Rootes Group colour-code Bingo; add extra hilarity by leaving 86 off all
of the cards.
b) the Creeper Limbo Dance; lower the Sunbeam on jack-stands until only one
person can pass underneath.
c) tic-TAC-toe; use crossed VIN rivets for the X's and original hose clamps
for the O's
d) Sunbeam horseshoes; for beginners, use a wheel trim. For advanced
players, the whole wheel (try a ringer with _that_)
e) thinking up alternate names for all of the refreshments; example-- for
California events, replace the coffee with LAT-te.
f) Blind-man's-Concours; the judges are blindfolded & have to judge by
feel; using 5-year-old kids who just ate chocolate ice cream may result in
last-minute withdrawals from the event.
g) Tiger "Tank" jousting; incomplete concept, two Tigers at a time,
passengers have paintball guns (hopefully not 88mm versions!)
h) add adventure to the swap meet by pricing all items and handling all
transactions in Pounds Sterling. (USA events only)
i) at the auto-cross, replace the cones with caltrops; nobody will risk the
penalty for running over one.
j) take your significant other to the Lucas Laser Light Show; akin to
submarine race watching. You sit in the dark together for a while, and, you
O.K., that's the first ten. Letters K thru Z are up to you guys.
Lawrence R. Wright
Purchasing Analyst
Andrews Office Products, Divison of USOP
PH 301-386-7923 FX 301-386-5333