To those who have expressed an interest, as per Norm's instructions, the
winner of the Fallahy award has been chosen and will be announced at the
Sunday awards banquet at Tigers United in Big Bear Lake.For those not
attending, we'll post the winner afterwards.
Now here's the Tigers United Update: Dates...June 26-27-28, 1998.Place,
Big Bear Lake, California.
50 Tigers, 7 Alpines and 111 people so far. There will be lots of
looking at cars, driving around and acting silly, sightseeing, Sunbeam
video viewing, parts selling and swapping, autocrossing, eating and
drinking, swimming, hiking, and just generally having a good time. Sign
up soon if you're coming, or forever hold your peace. If you think your
entry might arrive at our place after June 20, let us know now since
we're moving on that date and the mail might not catch up before the
event. If you're not coming because of some silly reason, don't be silly
and get your *()^%%$$% up to the event!
If you're coming and want to sell or swap Sunbeam/Rootes goodies, bring
them along. The parts swap/sell will take place concurrent with the
concours on Saturday morning.
E-mail any questions.
Be there, or be square!
Steve Sage