B9470080 wrote:
>I have a 427 V8 (too big?) and a Ferrari V8
>(too Italian?) in my shop
In your shoes I'd be looking around for a straight Alfa or Fiat convertible
to drop that Ferrari motor in; make your own Tigre , or Tigaro, or whatever
the Italian spelling is. Putting in a Sunbeam seems too much like the guys
sticking Chevy smallblocks into old Ford hotrods, you're just crossing too
many boundaries.
Hmmm. Last weekend some fellow was trying to unload in the newspaper one of
those Daytona Spyder replicas w/a Chevy 350 in it, for <$10K; betcha
something like that would be fun with the Ferrari V8 in it. Wouldn't stand
a chance passing muster at the historic races though; come to think of it,
what would?
Perhaps best to rebuild the 289, keep the 'specialty' motors for playing on
the street.
Lawrence R. Wright
Purchasing Analyst
Andrews Office Products, Divison of USOP
PH 301-386-7923 FX 301-386-5333