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Re: Those nasty little bits

To: MrZAG57 <MrZAG57@aol.com>
Subject: Re: Those nasty little bits
From: Steve Laifman <laifman@flash.net>
Date: Wed, 06 May 1998 08:30:37 +0100
MrZAG57 wrote:

> Steve, will you please e mail me the 800 number for PAWS Catalog ?
> Thank You.
> Eric

Eric (and Tigers),

Since I keep quoting from this great source of goodies, I will answer Eric and
CC: the list, for those who are intertested.

PAW (Performaance Automotive Warehouse) is a very large mail order performance
parts company.  They carry major manufacturer's speed stuff, regular TRW and
such repair parts, complete high performance engines and dissassembled kits.
They are located at:

21001 Nordhoff Street
Chatsworth, CA 91311
FAX ORDERS: (818) 678-3001 (24 hours)
Tech Support and Order phone:  (818) 678-3000 (M-F, 6:00 am to 5:30 PM, SA & Sun
8:30 am to 5:30 pm  All Pacific Time)

The main plant hjas an order counter, and they are now open 7 days.

They have at least two "retail" outlets that handle everything in the catalog,
and a few more things that a parts store would have, but a mail-order wouldn't
(oil, clenaers, tools, Dorman stuff).  The stores do not extensively stock
everything in the catalog, so you may have to wait till COB next day.  Prices
are the same.  I have found a few instances where competitors are cheaper, but
generally they handle top lines at very competitive discount prices.  They
advertise 2 full pages nationally in all the car magazines like Hot Fords, or
Big Chevvies, or whatever.

One retail branch is:

Home Mechanics Warehouse
8372 Topanga Canyon Blvd.
Canoga Park, CA 91304
(818) 883-2464
8:30-7:00 M-F, 8:30 to 6:00 Sat-Sun

They are about two miles from the main warehouse.  These locations are in the
west end of the San Fernando Valley (currently a northern part of Los Angeles,
near the Ventura County line, and about half-way north of the Valley floor.
About a 1 hour drive from the LAX airport.

I used to be able to walk in a nd pick up their 500 page catalog.  Now that they
have expanded it to 1,000 pages they wan't to charge for it.  About $5, I
believe.  I still buy enough stuff from them to con the retail store people I
know to give me a copy no and again.  It is the size of our telephone book, and
full of manufacturer's specs and catalog reproductions.  They carry all the
major lines.  Some of the specialtiy items are, unfortunately, Chevvy, but
there's plenty of Ford.

Realize that , while the brand name stuff is whatever that company makes, PAW
does have some stuff labled with their house brands.  While this are as good
(same) as the original manufacturer's (also listed), they are not the supplier's
best line.

Even if you never buy anything from them, the catalog is great reading.  After I
put my "wish list" on a aspread sheet, I can see the trouble$ I'm getting into


Steve Laifman         < One first kiss,       >
B9472289              < one first love, and   >
                      < one first win, is all >
                      < you get in this life. >

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