At 09:02 AM 5/4/98 -0400, you wrote:
>Does anybody connected w/CAT know the stock # for the "Tiger Kan Kooler"
>mentioned in the penultimate issue of Tiger Tales? And does anybody have
>one, want to offer an opinion or description?
>My, "I'd Like To See" list recently included a Tiger beer (or soda) hugger,
>and I could get 'em made up in quantity through or company's Ad Specialties
>division, cheap enough that even I could "float" the cost of a shipment of
>500 or so; I've seen samples, quality is pretty good. I don't want to
>duplicate efforts, though; if there's a good one out there already, that's
>OK w/me.
Larry, FYI STOA has been selling beverage wraps with velcro connections for
the last 5 years or so. They are printed with the standard STiger
rectangular logo in orange on a black fabric base. The logo pront is
rubber based ink and has excellent adheasion. They are available through,
Laura Ettinger <>. Cost is $3.00 per and 2 for $5.00 plus
shipping. I would expect UPS to the right coast at about $4.00.