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Re: Under Hood Heat

To: Wayne Pierzga <w_pierzga@email.msn.com>
Subject: Re: Under Hood Heat
From: Steve Laifman <laifman@flash.net>
Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 09:02:44 +0100
Wayne Pierzga wrote:


   I will relay a rumor I have heard on how to cure the heat problem.

   There are two 'holes' either side of the radiator where the horns are
   normally located. The rumor is that by blocking off these holes (but still
   leaving the horns of course) more air will flow through the radiator and
   cool off the engine.

   I have not tried this solution but is sound reasonable. Perhaps someone else
   can comment on its utility.



Not only is it a rumor, it's a fact.  Rootes actually made "horn extenders" to
get them forward, and away from the mounting surface for the
block-off plate.  I made my own "extender" with a rectangular piece of steel cut
from a bookend sheet metal.  Cut a piece about 2" long, and
as wide as current plate.  Drilled four holes to match the bolt spacing.  Bolted
the horn bracket to the metal, and the metal to the original two holes.  The
horn moves forward into the front area, allowing a flat piece of material to be
cut and glued, screwed, riveted, or taped to the header.

You'll need to disconnect the battery, as one of those horn leads is hot.
Appropriate holes must be but in the sealing cover for passage of the
wires (through a rubber grommet) and the "tongue".  I think I can get my hands
on a set of the original Roootes one piece extenders that replace the current
support between the horn and body (three holes in a longer plate).  If there is
any interest, I can look into producing a small quantity of brackets and seal
plates at local fabricators.  It will come in any color you want, as long as
it's black.

Any interest?


BTW:  Have another "simple" design deficiency correction in mind.  The lower
front valance inlets just dump the air behind themselves,
letting the air decide whether it wants to go, through the radiator or under
it.  Guess which choice it makes.  I am considering an elongated "U" piece of
metal to go between the jack mounts and extend between the lower radiator
support to the bottom of the valance vent pair (not the bottom of the valance.
This would need a fastening to the small lower valance lip  pair (and straight
across the front between the pair) and another either against the jack mount,
the radiator support, or both.  This could be attached to the bottom of the
valance, but that's a rather
serious appearance change, and wouldn't be any better.  An air dam is also
possible but too far from stock for me.

Any comments?

Steve Laifman         < One first kiss,       >
B9472289              < one first love, and   >
                      < one first win, is all >
                      < you get in this life. >

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