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Re: Rear axle color

To: Frank Marrone <marrone@wco.com>
Subject: Re: Rear axle color
From: Steve Laifman <laifman@flash.net>
Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 21:29:30 +0000
Frank Marrone wrote:

> At 04:28 PM 2/25/98 +0000, Steve Laifman wrote:
> >The "paint" is definitely "Glyptol", and this material is available.
> >
> Rustoleums' "Satin Redwood" color is also an excellent match to the rear
> end center section color (maybe a superior match to the 30 year old color),
> thanks to Chad for that tip.  I ultimately did use the Gylptal from
> Eastwood because I felt it would wear longer than the Rustoleum product.
> Frank Marrone

Good choice, and thanks for the "correct" spelling, and the source. I haven't
used the product since 1956, when it was on all the Atlas and Thor rocket
motors produced at Rocketdyne. My memory isn't as long as it used to be, and
my spell checker could care less. Although Rustoleum makes a fine paint
product, it was my recollection that Glyptal was a polymer with a great
tenacity and could endure harsh environments. The bottom line proof might be
that my Tiger's rear end is 33 years old, and the "paint" is still good. Wish
the same could be said for my own bottom.



Steve Laifman         < One first kiss,       >
B9472289              < one first love, and   >
                      < one first win, is all >
                      < you get in this life. >

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