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Re: steering cowl refinishing

To: mmeswarb@huntel.net
Subject: Re: steering cowl refinishing
From: Allan Connell <alcon@earthlink.net>
Date: Sat, 14 Feb 1998 10:57:30 -0800
My limited experience with this product it that it works fine, but once
you start using do not stop.  Cracks seem to develop
<bold><underline>AFTER</underline></bold> you stop using the product. 
Believe it or not, Vasaline (petrol based) works quite well on vinyl and
helps to moisturize old stuff.  Also, Vasaline does not seem to have the
dry-out problems as does Armour-All and other related products.  Don't
know if it would be much help on plastic though.  

Nope, don't think K-Y Jelly would help too much as it's water based!  




At 11:19 PM 2/13/98 -0600, mmeswarb@huntel.net wrote:

>I have heard all the bad rumors about Armor All, but think they're

>getting a bad wrap.  If you have ever looked at the dash pads in '69

>Mustangs, I think 90% are cracked.  I have been using Armor All on the

>dash pad in my '69 Shelby since 1976 and guess what?  No cracks. 

>Nothing scientific to add here, maybe I'm just lucky.




>Larry Paulick wrote:


>> The Mercedes Benz Club list posted a notice that Armor All has

>> formaldihide in the composition, and that it is very hard on vinly

>> other plastics.


>> I cann't confirm this but, I know that it does not last very long. 

>> it works on the hard plastic cowl, great.


>> Larry


>> PS - If you would like my supply, its free.



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