I am new to this list but not so new to Tigers.I have had mine for almost 2
years now!This is my first serious work on this particular car.(Ihave
previously been all through MGBs)It has the engine and trans out for
rebuilding,the interior and wiring harness out too,to fix frame rust.It has
been quite a project.The finished product will be quite rewarding.
My question is this: The previous owner had it painted.The car was painted
with "Ditzler acrylic lacquer"all over.Including the chassis ID plate and JAL
plate are all dark green.Is there a thinner/paint remover that will
specifically remove the lacquer paint and leave the ID plate ink inact or am
Ijust screwed?
Question 2: Is it legal for me to remove these plates to clean them and get
them out of the way for the next painting?
B 382001277