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To: "'tigers@autox.team.net'" <tigers@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: RE:
From: Bill Gullatt <mrbillg@real-comps.com>
Date: Wed, 3 Dec 1997 13:44:14 -0600
I applaud you Steve and Jeff for taking their stand. It is about time =
that we the "Alger" owners get recognition for our efforts. I would like =
to hear from all of the self converted Alpine owners. I think we should =
stand up and be counted. I will someday own a Tiger of my own but until =
that time I enjoy my Alpine/Alger. It makes no difference what engine or =
what body modifications we have but if we are enjoying ourselves while =
working on or driving our cars. If I spend $10000 or even $20000 to =
build a car it doesn't matter. If I ever put it up for sale it will be =
sold as 1967 Sunbeam Alpine "FAKE TIGER" or "TIGER COPY". It is sad that =
those of us who have the desire to tackle a big job are lashed at =
because of a few bad apples. I do think a registry of all Sunbeams is =
needed. Not for the sole purpose of whose Tiger is real and whose is =
fake but so we can find out what kind of trends were in production as =
well as new trends in restoration or conversion. I have offered before =
to start a database but have had no response by any individuals who are =
interested in participating. This lack of response stumps me sue to the =
number of people who also think the database is needed.

Bill Gullatt
'67 "Alger"/"FAKE TIGER"/Alpine
(New Serial# ALGER0001)

Send your info/photos and I will start Alpine/Tiger/Alger database!!

-----Original Message-----
From:   Barsness Jeff [SMTP:barsnej@WSDOT.WA.GOV]
Sent:   Tuesday, December 02, 1997 1:48 PM
To:     'tigers@autox.team.net'

Steve, I have to thank you for speaking out on the subject of
conversions. I am one of the people that will probably be discriminated
against for my choice to modify an Alpine. My goal is NOT to built,
pass-off, or sell my car as a Tiger. I'm just using the same theory that
Carrol Shelby used in the 60's, small car, big motor. My decision to use
an Alpine was made for me, I was able to buy two Alpines for $600. I've
always been partial towards Fords, but I am also able to appreciate the
time, effort, and workmanship that people put into other brands as well.
For me that's what it's all about, being able to enjoy and take pride in
my car without fear of being cast out because I can't afford the real
thing. Besides, even Carrol Shelby is building replica Cobras. I'll get
off my soapbox now. Thanks to those who have sent conversion advice.
Jeff Barsness '67 Alger

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