I bought the book from Sunbeam Specialties, 408-371-1642. I believe they
have it @ $18.95. Though not very "thick" it has some nice pictures, & I
found it quite a good source of info (By no means am I a Tiger expert).
At twenty bucks, it's an inexpensive addition to a Tiger owner's (or
dreamer's :) collection.
Mark W Olson wrote:
> All,
> Some time ago, I got a personal email from William Carroll, who took
> offense to the review of his book posted on the web site. He felt that
> it was a "cheap shot" and challenged me to prove the inaccuracies.
> To refresh your memories and for the poor HP people who still can't see
> my site, here's what the review says:
> "Tiger, An Exceptional Motorcar"
> by William Carroll, Auto Book Press, 1978.
> Currently out of print.
> This is a softbound book, rather short at 111 pages. Like other Carroll
> books, accuracy isn't his high point. Production quality
> isn't as good as Taylor's book. RN
> Since I don't even have a copy of this book, can't remember who wrote
> the review, and have lost Mr. Carroll's email address, I'd like to
> challenge the list to:
> 1. Sell me a copy of the book.
> 2. Tell me what is inaccurate in this book.
> 3. Tell me what is inaccurate in any of the other Carroll books.
> 4. Email his email address to me.
> I think this is the perfect kind of topic for this list. Let's get a
> good discussion going on this one.
> Thanks for your support.
> Mark Olson
Ken Tisdale Sr. Sales Engineer
Pulsecom 303-403-1968
ktisdale@ix.netcom.com FAX: 303-432-8967