I would like to thank the San Diego Sunbeam Owners Group of San
Diego,which without their support and cunning, I would not have received
these awards. It was a great show and amazing how so many Lucas supplied
cars got together at one time.
On Sun, 5 Oct 1997 23:20:04 -0400 (EDT) OldeAlp@aol.com writes:
>I know you have all been waiting for the unaudited preliminary results
>today's event - so here goes.
>Total entry - 273 cars
>Total Rootes Group cars - 21 (3 Hillmans, 7 Tigers, 11 Alpines [2
>1 series 2, 1 series 4, and 7 series 5s].
>Winning club display - Sunbeam Owners Group of San Diego
>Peoples' Choice Best of Show - Sunbeam Tiger (owned by Brock Tella)
>Best of Marque / Sunbeam - Tiger owned by Brock Tella
>It was nice to see - again - two Sunbeams in the Winner's Circle
>the best of last year's show - Bob Palmer's Tiger which was people's
>and Ed Stewart's Talbot Alpine which was best of marque.
>The weather was perfect if you found some shade. Temperature 80F,
>Brock received two beautiful trophies including a clock for peoples
>choice -
>oh yeah, they were designed by a Hillman guy, George Tipp.
>Anyhow, it was a great day and at least, so far, I haven't heard any
>complaints about the location or it's condition.
>"Ole" Olson