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Re: 260 Rebuild Advice

To: tigers@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: 260 Rebuild Advice
From: Rick Hoefle <NamasteRH@worldnet.att.net>
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 1997 20:15:59 -0400
Rick Hoefle (Hey! That's me!) wrote:
> Friends:
> I am contemplating doing the heads on the 260 in my Tiger.
> ---

OK, it seems that the concensus is, basically, In for a penny, in for a 
pound.  That is, I need to remove the engine and do all the things that 
need doing in one shot.  SO...

I seem to remember there being a write-up on the web about removing the 
engine from underneath the car.  Could some kind soul point me to it, 
please?  I would like to start in on this ASAP, but I am going to do a 
really anal-retentive job of it so as not to screw anything up, so any 
pointers, hints, warnings, caveats, or jokes (I think I will need a 
good sense of humor thru this) would also be muchly appreciated (not to 
mention the good karma that you'll acrue).

Thanks to all those of you who have replied already.

Come to Lime Rock this weekend if you can.  It's a blast.

Rick Hoefle 1964 Tiger B9470508 - HIS
            1969 MGC            - HERS

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