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Re: Sorry, Martha

To: <tigers@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: Sorry, Martha
From: "Andy Walker" <awtiger@ix.netcom.com>
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 1997 18:13:06 -0700
HERE, HERE for Perrys suggestion.  I've ordered numerous things for the
interior of my Mk1A from Ms. Wheat and have always gotten good quality for
my money and excellent service!  

Martha's address is:  Pro Prep Interiors
                          1481 Hollister Lane
                          Los Osos, CA  93401
Sorry, don't have a phone number for her.

By the way, guys...I've been sitting here looking at the "masculine bovine
feces" that gets posted here and I have begun to wonder if the really good
Tiger and Alpine times are really on either coast.  We may not have many
Sunbeams in this part of the country (Oklahoma)  but I can guarantee you
one thing...we have a darn good time when we get together.  

You know, it's easy to be a critic of what other people do and how they do
it, especially over such an impersonal device as a PC.  Let's try to steer
this forum in the direction that it was intended from it's inception. 
These cars and their owners are all unique in their own way and that's what
makes this old world go around, right?  So, let's try to criticize less and
help each other more.  It will make this hobby a lot more fun and, after
all, that is why we are here.  

OK, I'm off my soapbox...have fun with the cars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Andy Walker

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