>Return-Path: <NCDW21A@prodigy.com>
>From: NCDW21A@prodigy.com (MR PAUL R SHEAHAN)
>Date: Wed, 25 Jun 1997 20:24:32, -0500
>To: tartanad@ix.netcom.com
>Subject: TUXXII
>Dear Jeff,
> I was in Eureka as well and agree with you. My wife and I came
>from North Carolina for the event and quite frankly were kind of
>surprised at what occurred.
> When we decided to come to the event, we thought we were coming
>to a national event instead of a local show. I purchase a Tiger for
>the event and spent alot of additional money having the car prepared
>for the show. The ultimate insult for me was the concours. Had I
>known it was to be judged by the participants, with the
>irregularities that occured, I would not have gone to all the trouble
>and expense. I was especially sorry for the gentleman that prepared
>my car as he spent countless hours preparing the car.
> As it stands right now, I am not sure about future events. This
>one took the "air out of my sails".
> Thanks for your comments. I am sure you spoke for many
>attendees and sorry we did not meet.
>Best Regards,
> Paul R. Sheahan
> B382001555