All interested:
>> By the way, several years ago I measured my Tiger body on a
>> 1" square matrix and entered the coordinates into Autocad. I then
>> printed out exact 1/8" scale "slices" of the data. I glued 1/8" board
>> to the patterns, cut them out with a jig saw and glued them together.
>> This produced a 1/8 scale Tiger model. (Not smooth but with steps
>> where the height changed quickly. Never did fill in and smooth it
>> out. Still have the data on a floppy but my new computer does not
>> have Autocad.
>> Jim Barrett Tiger II 351C and others
>Hello Jim,
>Would you be willing to sending me a copy of that DWG or DXF file?
>I have ACAD11 and ACAD13. I would like to see if there is some
>things I could do with that data. And of course full credit would
>be given to you.
>Larry Allbritton
Larry Allbriton, Tom Ballou, T. Higgins' Mark Olson and Ed Jakober
The data is 152 Kbytes in Autocad 2.5. It is a .DWG file. All
were entered as x,y with z as the layer. Z is from front to back. Reference
coordinates are placed to line up each layer when making the hard model.
The data was taken from my Tiger II and there is a slight fender flair as well
as the SS fender trim. I had a hood scoop on it so the measurments include
the scoop. All Measurments were taken from above and from the sides,
No data is provided for under the Tiger or under the hood. The interior
of the Tiger is fairly accurate. About 1/2 of the windshield height was
Unfortunally my mail is Eudora Lite which does not have file attachment
capability or
I could send it directly. I do have FTP capability if any one knows how to
use it.
If anyone can figure out how to send the data over the mail list then I will
it. Otherwise I could mail a 3 1/4" floppy. The floppy will cost you $10, which
is a real bargin as I spent over a month building a measuring frame work and
measuring all that data. If you want it by US mail then send an address.
My home
address is James Barrett, 1054 Pineapple ave N.E. Palm Bay, Florida 32905.
Jim Barrett Tiger II 351C and others