You might give Hagerty Classic Auto Insurance a try. Their address &
phone number is as follows:
Hagerty Classic Auto Insurance
P.O. Box 87
Traverse City, MI 49685
They have very reasonable rates and, more than likely, there is an agent in
your area. From what I understand, any licensed insurance agent in your
state can apply to be an agent with Hagerty. My agent with Hagerty is also
a personal friend of mine who just happens to be a Farmers Insurance agent.
He thinks enough of them to insure his '66 Shelby G.T.350 with them. I'm
sure you can call their 800# and get the name & location of the agent or
agents in your area. All they require is an appraisal of the car and two
pictures, front and rear.
I might add, coming from one who used to be in the property and casualty
insurance business, do yourself a favor and document the heck out of
everything you do to your car. It doesn't hurt to take pictures of the
"special factory mag wheels" and "rare factory hardtop" and keep them in a
safe, secure place off premisis from where the car is stored. They could
come in extremely handy when it is claims time. Hope this bit of info
Keep Tigerin',
Andy Walker