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Re: Manditory Topless Law !!!

To: David Wedeking <davew@sandy.merix.com>
Subject: Re: Manditory Topless Law !!!
From: Steve Laifman <laifman@flash.net>
Date: Tue, 13 May 1997 17:40:24 +0100
Top up or down?

Learned this from previous owners. Take longer trips for weekend breaks
with hardtop on. Remove on arrival and store in hotel  (a few bucks tip
and they will wheel it into your room for you. Another couple of bucks
get's it replaced. This especially helps when your on the second floor).
Arrived at Palm Springs for the VARA Race Weekend refreshed. Enjoyed
top-down driving for 3 days, and went home draft free.

Steve Laifman         < Find out what is most     >
B9472289              < important in your life    >
                      < and don't let it get away!>

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