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MK II Purchase

To: tigers@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: MK II Purchase
From: Ray Bridenbaugh <briden@norcross.mcs.slb.com>
Date: Tue, 13 May 1997 08:43:02 -0400
Hello Everyone,

I am re-sending this because I'm not sure it went through the first time.
If I've gotten this posted to the web properly I would appreciate the

I need some help and/or advise.  I am looking very seriously at purchasing
a Tiger MK II.  

The numbers on it are as follows:

        JAL 700276
        B382100365LRXFE  1964 AIIKK  86

My questions are:

How do I interpret these numbers?
Do these numbers fit a MKII's manufacturing series?
What other things can I check (on or off the car) to ensure the originality
of the vehicle?

This car is in the S.E. and has not been TAC'd.

I appreciate anyone's help.

Best regards,

Ray B.

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