jhankins@ix.netcom.com wrote:
> I got hit in the parking lot at work. The guy that did it has decided to be a
>jerk about it, and
> is claiming that I pulled out in front of him. Well, it was in a lot where we
>park nose-out, and I
> had pulled out of my space far enough for him to hit the rear of the car. The
>clincher, I think,
> is that he left 25 ft. of solid skid marks between the time he hit his brakes
>and hit me. Can
> anybody give me a rule of thumb to translate length of skid marks into
>approximate speed?
> thanks,
> Joe
Joe; Sorry to hear about the accident. I hope it wasn't your Tiger!
Anyway, did you call the police and file an accident report? Otherwise,
it just going to be you, the other guy, and the insurance companies
trading acusations until one party caves in and settles.