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Message-ID: <33320BD5.7FFE@mail.wdn.com>
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 1997 20:17:25 -0800
From: Larry Wright <Larry.Wright@mail.wdn.com>
X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0 (Win95; I; 16bit)
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: Turner_Dennis%PAX6A@mr.nawcad.navy.mil
Subject: two of a kind?
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Dennis wrote:
>I reluctantly have decided to sell my 64 Tiger project car. Located near
>Federick , MD. Asking $3800. Anyone interested call (410)586-0512(H),
Wow! In Southern Maryland, where _everybody drives an F150 towing a fishing
there were TWO Tigers? The Garage Queen came from nearby La Plata. These cars
really stuck out!
"Hey, Mel, look! I nevah knew they made DeSotos that small, didya?"
Larry Wright "I can't get no-- Satis-traction"