{}) at 3/10/97 9:56p
TO: WILLIAMS @ SMTP ("Paul Williams") {}
After many years of adapting to the foibles of British design and
workmanship through various MGs, Triumphs, Morrises, etc., an alarming
thought has occurred to me: I myself am a product of British manufacture!
This could explain a lot. For instance, lately I'm finding that on many
occasions I just can't get started in the morning. Funny thing, though, if
I leave things for a half hour or so, I seem to start right up. After
going to the doctor to check my fluids he suggested an additive, which I've
been taking for a while now. Unfortunately, it causes me to backfire. I
don't know which is worse, the lack of reliabilty or the problem with
emissions. Another thing I've noticed is that I seem to be wearing rather
thin on top. Frankly, I have been aware of a hole forming up there, but now
there's no way I can get the corners to fit. They seem almost gleeful in
their march toward the middle of my head. Maybe it's the cold causing the
material to shrink, but much more of this and I'll have to look into a
retrofit. Speaking of the middle, is it my imagination, or am I beginning
to sag? I noticed this last year and shrugged it off as some kind of
optical illusion, but now I'm not so sure. After discreetly standing next
to a younger person at a recent car show, I have to admit there definitely
is some kind of settling going on. Fortunately, turning and stopping still
seem to be in good order, as does the interior, although a brisk run uphill
is likely to cause overheating. Maybe just a tune-up is required. I
certainly hope I don't need any new or rebuilt parts! Nah, spring is on
the way and I'll again be rejuvenated behind the wheel of an LBC.
Paul Williams
69 MGC
82 TR8
***** NOTES from Jay Laifman (JLAIFMAN @ PNM) at 3/11/97 9:12a