Just a note for those people who read the note I put up
recently about the CARB (California Air Resources Board)
public hearing last Friday.
This hearing was to helb the CARB staff about the concerns
of the car collector community over the implementation
of the "car crushing" authorized by SB 501.
The CARB staff presented their current status, then three
scheduled speakers presented their views. One speaker was
from SEMA.
By and large, it was a good time of information transfer.
The CARB is required by SB 501 to be "sensitive" to the
needs of the car collectors.
The most interesting facet to me was that only cars currently
required to undergo emission testing (currently 1966 and newer)
will be eligible for car crushing. This means that any car
older than 1966 isn't in any danger whatsoever. That's kind
of strange to me, in that the stated purpose of the car
crusher legislation is get older (higher emissions) vehicles
off the road in favor of newer (lower emissions) vehicles.
It is important to note that this car crushing is totally
voluntary. The problem that SEMA and others have noted is
that if other cars are crushed, then the availability of
parts to keep your car on the road will be reduced.
At this point I don't see any real problems for Tiger/Alpine
folks, as most of our cars won't be affected, but I know
a lot of people are paranoid about the idea of the State
doing this, feeling that once this starts where will it end.
I'm more concerned at this point with getting SB 42 passed,
which will end emissions testing for cars 25 or more years old.
Bob Norton