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Re: Manuals

To: Marc James Small <msmall@roanoke.infi.net>
Subject: Re: Manuals
From: Ken Tisdale <ktisdale@ix.netcom.com>
Date: Sat, 15 Feb 1997 17:42:19 -0700
Marc James Small wrote:
> snip<

I have to apologize beforhand - but - continuing in this vein, here's a
joke that follows this thread. Will offend sheep & some Scots....

A Scottish old timer in Scotland, in a bar, talking to a young man.
    Old Man:
    "Lad, look out there to the field.  Do ya see that fence?  Look how
    well it's built.  I built that fence stone by stone with me
    own two hands.  Piled it for months.  But do they call me
    McGregor-the-Fence-Builder? Nooo.."
    Then the old man gestured at the bar.
    "Look here at the bar.  Do ya see how smooth and just it is?  I     
planed that
    surface down by me own achin' back.  I carved that wood with me
own     hard
    labour, for eight days.  But do they call me    
    Then the old man points out the window.
    "Eh, Laddy, look out to sea.  Do ya see that pier that stretches
out     as far
    as the eye can see?  I built that pier with the sweat off me back. I
    nailed it board by board.  But do they call me    
    Then the old man looks around nervously, trying to make sure no
one     is paying attention.
    "But ya fuck one goat . . . "

> And ye're all a boonch o' bluidy Sassanachs, the lot of ye!  It's Scots
> Gaelic -- not the degenerate twaddle of Ireland -- and it means "never did a
> man die without someone being grateful".  Of course, the Highlanders are
> specialists in this and give quantity discount for slaughter, robbery,
> rapine, and sheep debaucheries.  (Q:  Why do Highlanders wear kilts?  A:
> Zippers scare the sheep.)
> Marc
> msmall@roanoke.infi.net  FAX:  +540/343-7315
> Cha robh bas fir gun ghras fir!

Ken Tisdale                             Sr. Sales Engineer 
Pulsecom                                '65 '2096 

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