>Date: Wed, 22 Jan 1997 20:52:24 -0600
>X-Sender: dharrin@mail.blackduck.net
>To: foxfire@sover.net
>From: "Dana L. Harrington" <dharrin@mail.blackduck.net>
>Subject: $ >>>>>>>>>>>>>!!! Mk 11
>Jumpin je-hosiphats. 1200 simoleans for a grill! I gotta lay this one on the
>corvair bunch. Ah, ya gotta be real devoted to that vehicle. A grand would
>put you in adaily driver corvair early model.
>My computer is dying. :-( the part of the motherboard that controls the
>floppy drives has gone tits up.
>Started working on the left airplane wing the other day. Also had a root
>canal in upper dog tooth. Today the tooth broke off at the gum. Had a dental
>appointment tomorrow to finish root canal now it will be to make new tooth.
>Feels funny having a hole in the front of your face after 50 years withut
>one. Hope to have both wings ready for top ribs and cover by time warm
>weather gets here . course I will be working at the airbase so will not have
>time to work on wings. The summer plan, ha ha, is to get wings done, turbo
>car on the road, work a few fires, get ready for next winter. Another joke.
>I have about decided to quit work after this coming season. Dont have time
>to do any of my retirement hobbies. Course will not have any money for the
>expensive ones either. Got to get em up and stabilized before next
>retirement. The gwenn unit and I would like to get back in to teepee living
>at rendezvous again. Miss camping and playing dress up. Miss the folks we
>meet too. We have no friends here except the ones we leave at rendezvous and
>that is good.
>Something about the turbo differential is nagging at me for weeks and I can
>not figure what it is. I gonna end up tearing the whole mess apart just to
>satisfy that nag.
>Well I am outa here for the corvair mail net......... Hugs to the wimmins.
>the bear, clear.
>Dana L. Harrington
>1963 Spyder, 1950 Farmall H
>Two early parts vairs 1953 Packard Clipper
>Falconer, master class 1983 AMC Eagle SX/4
Todd "HURRICANE" Harrington