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Re: Help Please

To: Andy Mars <ai373@lafn.org>
Subject: Re: Help Please
From: Rick Hoefle <NamasteRH@worldnet.att.net>
Date: Sat, 11 Jan 1997 10:53:05 -0500
Andy Mars wrote:
> Thanks to all the numerous messages I received regarding my inquiry as to
> pricing on a Tiger I am considering purchasing.  I love it, and want it,
> but want to, of course, not pay too much.  I'm still uncertain.
> I had a couple of other questions, though . . . .
> SEATBELTS - the backseat, if you can even call it that, had a strange
> seatbelting arrangment - if and what did the original MK1's have?  I
> don't want to harm value by modifying inappropriately.
> RADIOS - the MK1 at which I am looking has what seems to be stock
> antenna, but does not seem to have ever had a radio hooked up - I would,
> though, want to put in a decent one with speakers - but, don't want to
> cut anywhere - any suggestions - so as to not, again, harm value?
> Thanks, in advance, for all thoughts, input, suggestions.


Regarding the seat belt for the rear "seat"...not original.

As for the radio antenna and lack of radio...same deal as my car.  But I 
like it that way (kind of wish the antenna were not there at all).  I 
like the sounds my car makes.  Sorry I can't tell you anything about the 
proper mounting of a radio and speakers.  However, if the door panels 
are not original (are there door pulls?) you may be comfortable with 
door-mounted speakers.

Keep us posted.  Happy hunting.

Rick Hoefle 1964 Tiger B9470508 - HIS
            1969 MGC            - HERS

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