Ramon wrote:
> The Great
> Sunbeam/Alpine/Tiger/Rootes Group Necktie Caper.
> So, if you really, really want to see some ink/get some free PR/make some
> editors happy/stimulate a larger tie market, how about writing up a little
> blurb on the project, as you'd like it to appear, and post it to the list so
> that if they want, all the online editors can snatch it up and run with it?
O.K., here goes:
After a couple of weeks discussing the subject on the Internet's Tiger
E-mail Distribution List about the possibility of getting a Rootes Alpine/Tiger/
whatever necktie commisioned, preferrably by automotive artist Dennis Simon (who
already has considerable experience at automotive neckwear), it is evident that
there is considerable interest among Rootes enthusiasts. I have been soliciting
names and numbers from interested parties, and so far have accrued names for 45
to 50 ties from the E-mail List alone.
We need, likely as not, more than that to approach Mr. Simon about comm-
issioning a tie. So I appeal to you to contact me if you are interested in one
or more ties. Bear in mind, no one is obligated at this point; not you, nor Mr.
Simon, nor myself. I haven't determined how this project will be financed yet.
So far, the design intended is for a collage of Rootes cars, focusing
on the popular Tiger and Alpine models. You can see, if you haven't already,
examples of Mr. Simon's work in advertisements in magazines like Road & Track.
Please contact me , if interested, via E-mail at
or phone at (301)577-6574, or mail at 9418 Dubarry Avenue, Seabrook, MD 20706.
Final Note: it may be quite some time before the ties are available, if at all;
please be patient.
Larry Wright "I can't get no-- Satis-Traction"